What Is Cloud Data Migration? A Detailed Guide

picture of clouds for what is could data migration

Do believe the hype!

Many companies are migrating their data to the cloud. Cisco forecasts that by 2021, 94% of all workloads and compute instances will be processed by cloud data centers.

But Gartner’s 2018 hype cycle did have cloud migration falling into the “trough of disillusionment.” This could be because migrating data to the cloud isn’t easy. Organizations encounter numerous issues when trying to take advantage of the cloud’s benefits.

Organizations need to plan properly before undertaking such an endeavor. Let’s look at what you can do to minimize the issues that can plague a cloud data migration project.

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How to Audit Data Analytics: Everything You Need to Know

computer with a chart for how to audit data analytics

Most businesses nowadays use data analytics to improve the performance of their products or to study the market. Data analytics is at the heart of the fourth industrial revolution. However, making sure that the graphs and charts made are trustworthy and reliable is not as easy as producing them.

This is where today’s post comes in. I would like to talk to you about auditing data analytics and how it works. First, I’ll tell you about the different pitfalls of skipping over this step in your workflow. Then, I’ll explain the different steps to follow to audit your data analysis. I’ll also be sure to mention the different techniques you should keep in mind for your audit.

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Why Data Governance Matters: 5 Reasons to Care

usb stick for what data governance matters

Data governance.

Utter those two words to someone who has not heard them before, and you’re likely to get back a quizzical look. A look that encompasses intrigue, doubt, skepticism, and maybe even a little cynicism.

Is this some buzzword made up by consultants? Is this something my kind of business really needs? If it is important, then who is responsible—finance, marketing, IT?

This post will help anyone who’s curious understand what data governance really is, why you should care about it, and some tangible business benefits that it can lead to.

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